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Survivors of AIDS


Product Description

Survivors of AIDS is an extraordinary book! Dr. Jorge Galvan (dentist) explains in details the odyssey that he and his group of HIV positive lived when they were diagnosed with the AIDS virus. It also demonstrates how the BIOPHYSICS THERAPY of Dr. Silverio J. Salinas achieved to turn negative the HIV virus in this group. In Survivors of Aids you may discover how this group lives without the HIV virus since 1994. In survivors of AIDS, Dr, Galvan removes the veil of anonymity to show the world that 100% natural alternative to control the virus exits. Through the BIOPHYSICS THERAPY of Bio-Electro Magnetic Fields it is almost possible to cure AIDS. Survivors of Aids is a book of vital important for reference and consultation to all who suffer from this infection. For relatives and friends of those infected with HIV and for everyone who wants to acquire general knowledge related with AIDS. Survivors of Aids is a book full of faith and hope for humanity.

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