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Product Description


Epigenetics is an emerging field of science that studies alteration in gene expression caused by factors other than changes in the DNA sequence. "Epigenetics: the Death of the Genetic Theory of Disease Transmission" is the result of decades of research,and its findings could be as critical to our understanding of human health as Pasteur's research in bacteriology.

Dr. Joel "Doc" Wallach has dedicated his life work to identifying connections between nutritional deficiencies and a range of maladies generally thought to be hereditary, including cystic fibrosis and muscular dystrophy. This nexus between nutrition and the genetics of disease and birth defects has been observed in both human and animal pathology and is the central theme of "Epigenetics". Wallach has teamed with noted scholars and researchers Dr. Ma Lan and Dr. Gerhard N. Schrauzer to present their far-reaching and enlightening perspectives on disease prevention and cures.

"Epigenetics" dispels misinformation from the dogma propagated by our current medical institutions and explains why many established doctors are resistant to change. "Epigenetics" is of vital importance to anyone who wants real knowledge about how the human body functions, and how to apply that knowledge to our nutritional needs. "Epigenetics" lays the foundation to healthier, happier lives, for ourselves and for generations to come.

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